My MLM Website Is Better Than Yours
One of the things I learn from a lot of associates that I work with is what template should I use for my MLM blog and where can I find a design for my MLM blog? I even see people not getting started or spinning their wheels because of this life altering choice.
Are Home business Blog Themes Created Equal?
There are some style and functions that might help you have a superior multilevel marketing blog but contents is king. If you have a spotless car with no motor, it’s just something that looks awesome but is practically useless. Work on your MLM blog etiquette and let people see your personality, it’s an extension of who you are.
Ok You are Still Hung Up On The MLM Blog themes
There are 1000’s of different ones. I utilize WordPress and a self hosted version. This way I own the blog and don’t ever have to be concerned about it getting shut down, plus there are some things that you can’t do with a free WordPress MLM blog. With WordPress you can get free themes or pay for one, mine is free as usual I try to use free things and put in a little more effort to get results.
Like A Blog? Sneak A Peek
If you see a blog that you really like, it might be a free motif that you can have for yourself. You can find out by peeking at their code, I am not a computer savvy guy so anybody can do this. Find a blog you like and in the browser click on “view source”, this will show you a bunch of jibberish but you can look for the design that they use. You can also find out lots of other information about their page from the source code.
Now What Do I Do?
When you are peeking at an MLM blog and you want to see if the motif is free, go into your wp-admin page and under “install themes type in the themes that caught your eye. If you see it then you are in luck, install and start playing. If it’s not there, Google the themes name and you might find it is a premium or “not free themes” but at least you found it.
Get To Work
I’ve given you a starting point now you have no reason not to start generating content, get working and spread your message on your MLM blog. You can make contact with me and I’ll write a post on any slight tweak or modification you need on your website but only if you get to work towards your victory. Do not wait one more day to create that change.